Not convinced that water is the best drink on the market? We’ll explain how water provides you with a multitude of health benefits, along with some new ways to make water fun and your go-to drink!


Drinking enough water throughout the day is important to staying hydrated, energized, and can help promote weight loss. But why is it so important to drink the recommended amount of water every day? That’s a lot of water!


For one, water helps control hunger. Instead of reaching for a mid-afternoon snack, we recommend drinking a glass of water. Not only will this help you feel full, it prevents eating from boredom. A glass of water provides an extra ten minutes to evaluate whether your body needs nourishment or if you simply feel like eating something else.


Also, water helps stimulate digestion. It prevents bloating and helps your body convert food into energy, making you feel great and ready to take on the day! Water is also important for body tissue health because it flushes toxins out of the body. Water provides moisture to your skin and prevents it from feeling dry, giving your skin a healthy glow.


Not only is water great for you, there are many creative and unexpected tricks to make drinking water more fun and flavorful. Here, we show you a few of our favorite, new ways to make water your go-to drink.


  • Drink water with a straw for a fun way to sip on your beverage all day long. Changing up the way you consume water is an easy way to make drinking seem more appealing and enjoyable!


  • Add fruit pieces to your water. Fruit provides a colorful addition to your water and adds flavor without the calories or added sugar found in energy drinks. One of our favorite additions is blueberries. They contain Vitamin C, improve heart health, reduce the risk of cancer, and boost brain health.


  • Add herbs to your water. Herbs contain many helpful properties and will create a bright, crisp flavor in your cup of H2O. Try some basil leaves steeped in your water overnight. Basil is packed with antioxidants and contains anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties.


  • Make flavored ice cubes Puree fruit pieces or juice into a mixture and freeze in an ice cube tray. Love lemonade, but want to avoid the sugar? Try making lemon juice ice cubes. Lemon juice helps strengthen your immune system, cleanse your stomach and has been shown to purify the blood.


  • Drink sparkling water instead of soda pop. Sparkling water provides the fizzyness of soda, without the calories or added sweeteners.


  • Eat more fruits and vegetables to satisfy your cravings and consume more water. While we don’t suggest replacing all of your cups of water with high-water content foods, every once in awhile it is a cool and refreshing treat. Try some cucumber slices. They fight inflammation, improve brain health, contain antioxidant properties, and are low in calories, yet extremely filling.


While on the HCG diet, we recommend drinking plenty of water, at least 64 ounces a day. We also suggest adding an additional 8 ounces for every 20-25 pounds you need to shed. Contact the Complete Medical Weight Loss Clinic to schedule a visit and learn more about how our program can help you attain your weight loss goals.

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