If you’re undertaking the HCG diet, you might be lamenting the loss of sugars and flavor additives, but there is a healthy alternative. One of the little extras that are allowed is Stevia, a powdered flavoring without the harmful results of sugar or harsh chemicals. It’s made from a combination of fiber and USDA-certified organic, sweet leaf Stevia extract.


Stevia is Kosher and safe for diabetics. It has zero carbohydrates, zero calories, zero sodium, zero fat, and rates a zero on the glycemic index. In other words, it doesn’t count against your 500 calorie intake. Also, it does not contain any other substance that has the potential to interrupt your dietary regimen. Therefore, the amount you can have within HCG dietary restrictions is unlimited.


This all-natural sweetener is sold in a box of packets, and each packet is a “serving” that can complete any meal. In fact, HCG diet recipes regularly use Stevia for flavoring.


But why is cutting out sugar so important?

The first week of the diet sees a rapid release in fat cells. Only when there is a significant decrease in calories and fat will the HCG hormone trigger the fat for utilization by the body. HCG does this naturally in the body of pregnant women when calories and fat are being diverted to the baby. During weight loss, the diet accomplishes a faux pregnancy, of sorts, by mirroring the conditions of low sugar and fat. Therefore, eating sugar disrupts these very specific conditions, and the HCG doesn’t trigger fat depletion.


Are there other safe flavor additives?

Yes! Cayenne, ground pepper, dill, garlic, ginger, and non-iodized salts are all fair game during the stages of the program. Cayenne is great for ramping up your metabolism, helping to encourage weight stability during the maintenance phase.


There’s no end to the possibilities for new recipes with Stevia. Get creative with your meal plan! And if you haven’t yet created a diet plan, consider getting help from Complete Medical Weight Loss Clinic. We have knowledge and experience of which supplements and suppressants will be best for your specific needs. It’ll optimize the weight you can lose, up to a pound each day. And sooner than later, your clothes will fit loosely on the whole new you!

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