The HCG diet suggests steering clear of sweet fruits but still maintaining fruit in your diet. In fact, it’s best to consume two fruits daily, at breakfast or between meals. So which fruits can you eat? Apples, strawberries, oranges, and lemons are all perfectly acceptable. In addition, try to incorporate grapefruit.


Grapefruit has many great qualities and nutrients that are ripe for healthy living! Some of these include:


  • Weight Loss – Grapefruit is low in calories. In addition, it gives insulin resistance which keeps the bad sugars at bay.


  • Blood Pressure / Heart Health – If you have high lipid levels in your blood, grapefruit might be the answer you’ve been searching for. The high potassium and various nutrients reduce lipid levels. Potassium also has high vasodilation effects, keeping your blood flowing more easily and lowers the possibility of clots.


  • Stroke – Studies have shown that women who consume more citrus have a nearly 20% smaller chance of having a stroke. The high potassium also reduces the likelihood of kidney stones.


  • Cancer – Antioxidants in grapefruit negate the free radicals known to cause cancer, thus decreasing the risk. Vitamin-C and beta-carotene lower the risk of esophageal cancer.


  • Digestion – Abdominal pain, be gone! Water and fiber prevent constipation and promotes regularity.


  • Skin – Vitamin C fights skin damage caused by excess sunlight and helps prevent wrinkles because it is a main factor in the formation of collagen, skin’s main support system.


  • Hydration – Hydration is a key component of all diets but can be especially useful during an HCG diet weight loss plateau.


Looking for a tasty dessert option? Adding a little cinnamon can accent the tart flavor of the grapefruit. And cinnamon also has its own health benefits, acting as a natural metabolism booster. You might be minutes away from a new favorite treat! Incorporate the cinnamon grapefruit recipe and other great grapefruit meal options.


Knowing which foods to consume and which to avoid is half the battle of a diet. While fruits are better for you than fats and sugars, there are some (like grapefruit) which are power foods. Utilize these power foods in conjunction with the HCG or other supplements, as prescribed by a medical professional. Call Complete Medical Weight Loss Clinic for more information about which program is right for you.

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