Weight loss can be a journey of incredible highs and frustrating lows. Nothing is more discouraging than sticking to your low carb diet and exercising hard all week, only to step on the scales and see the same number (or more!!) staring back at you.
It is important to know that the scale is not always your friend (and not because it is throwing unkind numbers your way!). Although body weight scales are a useful weight loss tool and give an indication of your overall body weight, it does not show you what is happening under the surface. That is where the magic is happening!
Muscle vs. Fat – the eternal battle!
You have all heard the mantra; muscle weighs more than fat. Well, this is not strictly true. Fat occupies more space in your body than muscle, so one pound of muscle is a lot smaller than one pound of fat.
While you may not be seeing much change in your weight, if you are following a low carb diet and exercise program, you will be losing inches and increasing your lean muscle mass. This is what is going to make you smaller, not the numbers on your scale.
Time to Focus on a Different Set of Numbers
The most common reason for a weight loss plateau is due to a loss of inches over pounds and that a great thing! If the numbers on your scale are starting to become a source a disappointment; it is time to step away and grab a trusty tape measure!
When taking your body measurements, it is important to measure each area of your body in the same position every time. Take a measurement of your bicep, upper thigh, chest, waist, and hips. This method of recording weight loss is acutely more accurate and will give you a true indication of your progress.
If you have that ever-burning desire to step on your scales each week, please do yourself a favor and keep track of your body measurements as well. You will thank yourself later when you hit that inevitable plateau.
Why Muscle is Better than Fat
Not only will losing excess fat make you look and feel better but the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism. By building an additional 4 pounds of lean muscle mass, you will burn 50 calories more a day! These extra calories burnt are going to help you achieve your weight loss goals much quicker and help you to maintain your weight more easily.
Don’t get water logged
What if you are doing all the right things but your scale AND your tape measure numbers are still not going down? The likely culprit – water retention!
If you do not drink enough water each day, your body will start to retain fluid rather than expelling it to keep electrolytes and nutrients in your body.
Dehydration is a huge contributor to a decrease in your metabolism and your body retaining fluid; all of which are not helpful to your weight loss goals. To prevent fluid retention and speed up your weight loss, it is important to drink half of your body weight in water ounces, plus an additional eight-ounce glass for every 25 pounds of fat you want to lose.
Still not seeing results?
Make an appointment with Dr. Burdett for a confidential discussion about why you may not be achieving the results you hope to see. We can create a program tailored to your individual needs and will support your weight loss journey from beginning to end.