It is a common misconception when dieting and trying to lose weight that a simple calculation of fewer calories in vs. higher calories out equals weight loss. You may have also heard some people say that a calorie is just a calorie; it doesn’t matter whether it’s 50 calories of chocolate or strawberries. Unfortunately, this is far from the truth.

While the same 50 calories of chocolate will have the same amount of energy as 50 calories of strawberries, the way in which our bodies process those calories has a significant impact on your hormone levels, metabolic rate, sugar levels, and brain activity. (

Get To Know Your Calories

There are three main types of calories that make up the foods that we eat; carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Your body uses these different sources of calories for energy. However, each different type of calorie is made up of different chemical and physical properties. Here is what you need to know:


Being the most notorious of the calorie trifecta, we have all heard about our old friend carbs. Whether it’s low carb or high carb, we all know this name!

Providing our bodies with four calories per gram, carbs are found in foods made up from sugars and starches known as either complex or simple carbohydrates.

Simple carbs are found in foods such as sugar, fruit, and milk. Many of the simple carbs consumed today are found in highly processed foods loaded with sugar and should be avoided when attempting to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Complex carbs are found in foods sourced from starchy, fibrous plants. Foods high in complex carbs include grains (think bread and pasta), beans and vegetables such as corn and potatoes.


An important source of calories, fat is an energy source known for slowing digestion and delivering fat-soluble vitamins to our bodies.

Fats provide our bodies with nine calories per gram, and although this seems high, certain fats are very important for our health and well-being. Good quality polyunsaturated omega-3 fats found in foods such as salmon and seeds can protect our bodies from inflammation. However, foods containing trans fats should be avoided as they have been linked to health problems such as heart disease.


Known as the most filling macronutrient, protein’s primary role is to maintain and build new cells in your body. Foods high in protein can increase your metabolism while at the same time reducing your appetite, resulting in you consuming fewer calories per day.

All protein sources contain four calories per gram, however, depending on the source, can considerably impact on the benefit to your body. High-quality protein sources such as chicken and fish are the best for reducing your appetite and muscle repair. Poor-quality protein such as sausages and hamburgers contain branched-chain amino acids and are linked to health issues such as insulin resistance so should be avoided.

The Bottom Line?

Different sources of calories can have a big difference on mood, overall health, and weight loss.

Ultimately, the quality of the foods that we eat will determine the quantity of calories that we will consume. By sourcing the majority of your calories from unprocessed whole foods, you should experience faster weight loss results and benefit from improved overall health and well-being

A low-carb, high-quality protein diet has shown to drastically lead to quicker and long-term weight loss, by naturally leading to fewer calories being consumed, reducing fluid retention and increasing our bodies metabolism.

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