What is the Glycemic Index?

Dieting can be confusing. With a nearly endless amount of information on weight loss out there, it can feel overwhelming to try to separate fact from fiction. Today, we’ll discuss the glycemic index, an often talked about but frequently misunderstood weight loss aid....
Holiday Parties: Tips to Low-Carb Success

Holiday Parties: Tips to Low-Carb Success

The holiday party season is here but it tends to be packed full of carbs! Cookies, candy, desserts, and holiday breads are added to the usual array of crackers, chips, and rolls. Before you eat, take some time to think ahead to avoid overindulging. Before you Go 1....

Burn Fat NOT Muscle – The ‘How To Guide’ You Need!

It is important to understand that not all weight-loss is the same. While the numbers on your scales may be decreasing, you must ensure your losses are coming from the right place. When you embark on your journey to health through low carb dieting supported by hCG...
Not All Pounds Are Created Equal

Not All Pounds Are Created Equal

Weight loss can be a journey of incredible highs and frustrating lows. Nothing is more discouraging than sticking to your low carb diet and exercising hard all week, only to step on the scales and see the same number (or more!!) staring back at you. It is important to...
Could carbs be causing your food cravings?

Could carbs be causing your food cravings?

If your food cravings are for celery and soup, you are one step ahead in conquering your weight loss goals! However, if you can’t seem to stop thinking about cakes, sweet and burgers, you need to control those cravings for the sake of your health, weight, and...

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